Surprisingly the internet search for “foolproof suffocation”
was never revealed at the trial. Somehow,
the ball was dropped, allowing Casey Anthony to walk away free of punishment,
free of maternal responsibility, and free to live the “beautiful life” she
craved so desperately, even tattooing those words in beautifully scripted
Italian, on her shoulder during the time her beautiful toddler was wrapped in a
garbage bag in a swamp. Nevertheless, Casey
Anthony gained her freedom with a finding of “not guilty”, as well as the right
to live her “beautiful life” instead of a lifetime in prison for premeditated
murder. Regardless of this new evidence,
Casey Anthony cannot be retried for the murder of her daughter Caylee. Even if she confessed, she would remain free,
as the law states that an individual cannot be tried fro the same crime
twice. It’s called “double
It makes me wonder why probate courts are far more lenient
in their judgments. Why would judges
accept a motion (a request) that had previously been denied, and “retry” it more than once? Doesn’t this go against the law of double
jeopardy? And if a judge already ruled
on a motion, why would another judge go against that ruling? Aren’t all judges required to follow the same
rules? Why are judges making decisions
that supersede previous judge’s decisions?
These are men and women who call themselves “family judges” yet
can be swayed, convinced, bought, or freely show apathy in custody cases, and
possibly destroy the family unit.
Casey Anthony has been exonerated of murder and does not have to worry about another trial. Yet mothers who have started a new life with
their children after leaving their abuser have been dragged back into court on
a repeated motion and then lose
custody. Baffling! Why aren’t the same
rules applicable in probate court? Is it
because there are too many individuals seeking help so it’s difficult to keep
accurate records? Perhaps a judge may
not have the desire to wade through huge piles of documents, or check if the
motion has been already presented. Another
reason for repeated motions can be blamed on unethical attorneys who go “judge
shopping.” She files the same motion
numerous times in the hopes of getting in front of a new judge in order to get
a different answer to her motion. Attorneys
who utilize this tactics are usually hired by batterers, contrary to men who
would rather maintain stability in the lives of their children despite a
divorce. To note**Abusive men attempt to
get custody more than non-abusers. It’s
a way to maintain control and to punish.
The success rates of the abusers are astonishing – sometimes reaching
90% of the cases. And these legal
victories are without merit.
Little Caylee Anthony remains an innocent murder victim who
will never get justice. In comparison,
the innocent children of acrimonious divorces never experience justice either. They may be alive, but they are robbed of
maternal love. (This can also be
applicable in cases where fathers are victims and denied their children). Why
should a mother who murdered her two year old be allowed to walk free? Why should a mother, victimized by an abusive
ex, the judges and an unethical attorney, never walk free, always carrying the
weight of a heart heavy with loss?
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