The message of this blog is worth pondering. The theme deals with the unfairness of losing a child(ren); whether the loss has no reason; or the reason has no validation; or perhaps the loss is the result of karma - either from acts by the parents, or possibly from irresponsible acts from the child. What is a greater tragedy? Losing a child due to an accidental death; or losing children due to a purposeful desire to sever the maternal bonds?The story follow:
Tom Piersiak was best friends with my former husband since grade school in Needham, MA. Because of Tom's drug problems, his father banished him to the family farm in Brooks, Maine. He got clean and married Heidie, a local girl, and started a family. Tom and my husband would go golfing or fishing, and I tried to forge a friendship with Heidie during our visits to Maine. Heidie was polite, but went about her daily activities, and I helped with her chores, or cared for our collective children. Heidie was occasionally rude, and sometimes ignored me even though I continued to try to foster a friendship. I used to bring my camera and take pictures of the beautiful scenery, and the children. One time I took a beautiful photograph of Heidie's daughter Heather. Heidie liked it so much, I ordered an enlarged copy printed, which Heidie displayed in her living room. It was shocking when Heidie and Tom later appeared in court to testify against me during my custody battle with my ex-husband.
Heidie testified I took "pornographic pictures" of her daughter posing inappropriately with some anonymous fabricated friend. WTF? My production of the pictures were proof of Heidie's perjury, but why on earth did she go to court?
Tom lied as well, with a ridiculous testimony regarding my avid interest in the "triple x" pornographic movies on his satellite TV. Again, WTF? And why would he testify in court? The Piersiaks were just a part of all of the perjury committed in 1996/1997 custody trial where all the fabricated testimony was disproved.
How ironic 15 years later Tom and Heidie's only son, named Thomas, would die in an automobile accident at age 22. I remember Thomas as a young boy, and I was saddened by his death. I graciously signed the condolence book online, with sincerity. The loss is tragic, but my kind expression, were not meant to be words of forgiveness, nor comfort for Tom and Heidie Piersiak. I felt it was their karma returning for their lies in court. They are guilty of interfering with my relationship with my children. Although I would never wish anyone to endure the loss of a child, the words I wanted to express to Tom and Heidie are, "Now you know what it is like to lose a child for no reason."
I learned what it was like to lose 3 children for no reason, assisted by Tom and Heidie Piersiak. They made the wrong decision to go to court, and commit perjury out of nothing more than cruelty. And when Tom was leaving the courtroom, he paused by me and said "Bye Robin."
Some may say the tragic accident was Thomas's own karma, as he had been the driver of another tragic car accident which killed his friend. I believe in Karma, and live my life with kindness, and honesty.
Ironically, Thomas was buried on my birthday, which is the day before Heidie's birthday. Is this a sign for Heidie to remember the pain she caused me, each year while enduring the anniversary of her son's burial? She will probably never enjoy a birthday celebration again, as it will be a constant reminder of burying her son. But the pain of Thomas's loss will lessen year-by-year, as there is closure. My children are gone, without closure because they are living in this world without their mother, with continued alienation from their father. Maybe Tom and Heidie will read this, and realize the parallels of our losses. Maybe they will find some relief from their own loss if they reach out to my children and let them know the truth… That I was a good mother, and their father has been lying to them for all these years. In respect to their son who is now gone from this earth, Tom and Heidie Piersiak should rectify their wrongs in order to allow young Thomas to Rest In Peace. But I doubt they will.